There is a perception that IT systems are complicated and very “high tech”. This is particularly the case when dealing with IT security.
However, if you peal back all the IT terms and systems it simply boils down to – how do you protect a pot of Gold, or your house or a company facility?

Your Defence
The recommended strategy is to build a bunker over everything and make it 100% impregnable.
But how do you let genuine users access to the secured area / facility.
So you break down a section of security to allow users in….and then build up another security system to manage access to the facility by these “genuine” users.

Real Life issues
However, with companies, you also want colleagues to liaise with other companies/suppliers/customers etc. But this invariably includes other persons via emails and even includes interaction with websites of a personal nature like Amazon / Argos / Ryanair etc….

This is the issue, we have now moved a long way from the indestructible/impregnable bunker.
But / So where do you stop – where / what is the right balance.

The Threat
Ransomware is the current high risk threat that is attacking companies and government facilities.

Cyber Criminals only need a SINGLE file installed on your system to run the Ransomware Virus that will encrypt all of your data. The easiest way for Criminals to process this is to get you or your colleagues to activate the file or open the link.

This works via Cyber Criminals sending millions of emails hoping that someone will open the mail and attachment. Once opened you are in trouble and your company might as well open the cheque book there and then.

But who are the cybercriminals or more importantly what disguise do they use –, Facebook, Yahoo, Revenue, Gmail.Com, DHL, family members, Sky, Foreign Lotto Companies, etc. This is the real problem with “Cyber Criminals”, no one knows who anyone is.

What we see on a daily basis are companies receiving emails, from companies like DHL, with an attached invoice. Unfortunately, some users open the email / attachment and now Ransomware is activated and your data is encrypted. As simple as that.

The above type of threat is affecting companies everywhere. Check out this case of a hospital in the US. Also worth noting that this Hospital had its own IT department managing security! Hospital Pays 17K for Ransomware  Or details of attacks on Irish Agencies – Irish Independent 6th March 2016

The Solution
You need an IT security system…like a bunker. To be effective this system has to be constantly improving, updating and monitored.

But you also need to be aware of the weakness with colleagues/employees. Training and knowledge on awareness of threats for employees is the easiest and usually most overlooked process.
First step/question – do you have a policy on management/access of Emails and Websites.

If Compuland can help you with any of the above or you would like a review of your own IT system then please call us on 021 4544144.